ヴァイオリンの音色分析 Analyze of Violin Timbre
Power spectrums by FFT analyzer of Stradivari(1698), Pressenda(1838), Fangola(1923) D1 on A string. Analyzing the tone by a professional violinist's performance of "Thais meditation" with musical expression.
Comparison of overtones Stradivari(1698), Fagnola(1923), Pressenda(1838)
Stradivari's S/N ratio is higher, which make the timbre clearer.
関連するPDF More Acoustics Society of America Joint Meeting (2016) PPT here
楽器を上の図のようにパワースペクトルを計算すると、そのスペクトルの概形(スペクトル包絡)が得られいくつかの局所的なピークがみられます。そのピークの周波数は音色の違いを表すと思われます。本研究ではそのパワースペクトルの概形をつかって音色の識別実験とAI(ニューラルネットワーク)にて楽器の音色の識別実験を行っています。(論文PDF Applied Acoustics, 音楽情報研究会)
In this study, the sounds of violins, performed by a violinist, were recorded and the distribution of peak frequencies of the spectral envelope of the recorded sound data was analyzed. The distribution of peak frequencies is different for each violin, but some tendencies were found. Questionnaires were used to examine the distinction in violin timbre by the difference in the patterns of peak frequencies. When the patterns of the two violins were similar, the subjects responded that the timbre of both violins was similar than the other violin whose pattern of peak frequencies was different. The present study discussed the contribution of the similarity of patterns and the difference between patterns to the identification of the timbre.
Identification of the timbre of violins was performed using a machine learning technique. The machine learning computer program was developed using Python and Keras library. The number of violins tested is 21, which contains old Italian violins such as Stradivari. As for acoustic features, the spectrum envelope calculated by the cepstrum method was used for the training data and the test data. As the result of identification experiment, in the case of open strings an accuracy of more than 95% was obtained. Furthermore, an experiment that analyzes the similarity of timbre between an unknown violin and trained violins was shown.
(Fig. Accuracy, open string VS music piece. PDF)