
List of my compositions and arrangements

作曲 (Composition)




"フルート、ヴィオラ、ハープとスペクトログラムのための3つの小品"(2022@Tokyo) Youtube

”No title”(図形楽譜、Mitsuki&Masao 2022@Tokyo Youtube)

”Largo for String Quartet”(2021@Tokyo) Youtube

"Rock 'n' Roll P's Canon"(2021@Tokyo) Youtube

"Nocturne Concertante for Solo Cello and String Orchestra"(2021@Ukraine) Youtube

"Autumn leaves dancing in the wind for Solo Viola" (2020@USA)


"5 Bagatelle for String Quartet by Golden Ratio Harmony"(2020@Tokyo) Youtube

"吟詠 独奏チェロのための, Gin-Ei for solo cello" (2019@Prague, Tokyo) Youtube

"Capriccio in a Theme of Japanese Song for Violin and Piano" (2019@Italy) Youtube

"Brain Motion for shakuhachi and cello" (2018@Tokyo) Youtube

"6 Bagatelle for Digital piano (Chaos music, Scienticism Music)" (2018)

"Golden ratio for quartet and humming" (2017)

"Multimedia Improvisation for brainwaves, cello, and live electronics" (2016)

"Nocturn for Guiter and Tape" (2016)

"Rhapsody on a Thema of Yagi-Bushi for Piano Quartet" (2015)
"String Quartet No.1"  (2015) Youtube
"O-HA-RA-I (Exorcism)- Scherzo for Piano Quartet -" (2015)
"YORU NO HOKORA" for Piano Trio (2014)
"Music 12’31’’ (Music by a chance operation using the circumference ratio, 2013)
"Chaotic Music for String Quartet, x0=0.25" (Automatically generated by computer program using chaos function, Ensemble Modern & Tokyo Wonder Site Academy, 2013)


編曲 (Arrangement)

"Alphorn Fantasy for 2 Alphorn, Violin and Piano" (2022,おんがく交差点BSテレ東)

"ピアソラ ブエノスアイレスの四季 弦楽合奏/弦楽四重奏版"(2021 ホッタガクフ)

"ピアノトリオのためのピアソラ名曲選"(2019, ホッタガクフ)

"サントワマミー (Song, Violin and Piano)" (2019,おんがく交差点BSテレ東)

"Donauwellen for Piano Quintet" (「ドナウ川のさざ波」2018 草津国際音楽祭)

"Sobre las olas (Over the waves) for string orchestra" (2017)
"Carmen fantasie for string orchestra (Franz Waxman)" (2014)
"Sonatina (Clementi, Op.36-3), version for a piano concert style with string orchestra"(2014)
"Adagio from Symphony No.10 for String Orchestra (G. Maher)"(2013)


There are many other arrangements for chamber music unpublished (Traditional Japanese songs (Sakura, Hinamatsuri, Koujou-no-Tsuki etc.), Piazzolla(Winter/Spring of Buenos Aires, Oblibion, Adios Nonino, Esquaro etc.), Beatles, jazz, pops etc).



- International composition competition maurice ravel 2016 2nd edition, "Asian Sky" (Violin and Piano), 本選入選
- Northern California Viola Society, the 2020-21 NCVS Composition Contest, "Autumn leaves dancing in the wind for Solo Viola", 本選入選
- Alfred Schnittke Composers competition 5rd edition 2021,"Nocturne Concertante for Solo Cello and String Orchestra", 本選入選